Juveniles of Today Read Fewer Books

Publication Is Falling Off In Country, Figures Show

It said that the publication of Juvenile fiction hits fallen off greatly during the last decade. If this is so, what is the reason for it? And the answer given—the most probable reason—is the moving pictures have pushed boy’s and girl’s books out of the field.

This may very likely be true. The moving picture does what the Juvenile book did, only does it better. Neither of these literary outputs goes deeply Into any analysis of human character, but relies mainly up on action, action, action.

Segregation An Outrage!


How Our Men And Women Are Insulted In the Government’s Departments—Will the Self and Race-Respecting Negro Press of This Country Continue to Stand for This Sort of Thing?

(Special to The Gazette.)

Washington, D. C., Oct. 4, 1924.—There is more segregation in Washington today under President Coolidge than there has ever been since the Civil War. The beginnings of segregation were under President Taft. It was greatly extended, under President Wilson; increased, still further, under President Harding; and reached its zenith under President Coolidge. For instance, the largest of our parks President Wilson never troubled, but the present administration has found time and desire to introduce it even there.

To many people, segregation is a Democratic scheme of insult, but such is not the case. Mr. Taft introduced it in the bureau of engraving. He segregated the census-takers in this city in 1910, restricting white workers to white people, and black to black, often duplicating work as most blocks had white and black residents. And, worst of all, announced in his official capacity that Negroes should not hold office where white people complained. Segregation, then, is a Republican institution and not a Democratic one. It was begun by Republicans, and carried on to its all-embracing extent by Republicans!

Baltimore Fights Big Snowstorm

Other Maryland Cities, Including Rockville, Suffer Tie-Ups

Snowball fight at the US Capitol, 1925. Image source: Library of Congress

BALTIMORE, Md., January 2.—Almost complete paralysis of local transportation facilities marked the opening of Baltimore’s business hours today, due to snow which began falling last night and was continuing heavily this forenoon.

Stores, offices and manufacturing plants reported insufficient arrivals of workers to permit of even a semblance of ordinary operation.

The railroads reported no serious delays to either suburban or through trains north and south, as yet.

January 2, 1862 – The Mortar Fleet

Sailors standing by the 13-inch mortar on a Union mortar boat.

The principal naval recruiting in New York, at present, is for Commodore Porter’s mortar fleet. The two rendezvous are thronged with brawny sailors of all nations, but chiefly Americans. Applicants seems to be attracted, rather than repelled, by the prospect of hazardous service. Every kind of sea-going talent is wanted for this expedition, and a sailor can obtain the position of master’s mate, gunner’s mate, seamen or ordinary seamen, just according to his qualifications.

How the Big Storm Affected the Flour City

From all appearances the heavy snow storm is over, and it is well for the suburban territory of Minneapolis that it is so. Another day of the heavy snowfall would make the streets impassable and block in the inhabitants. As it is the heavy drifts have packed four and five feet deep through parts of the outer wards, on both sides of the river, and the snow plows have done very little toward breaking it up. By dint of hard work the car lines were kept open and the motor trains into town did not lose a trip. The Minnehaha and Washburn home divisions were greatly delayed, but both lines were open and in good running order last night.