No Secret Order Shall Rule Indiana!

THAT THE TIMES is Catholic—that it is fighting not the Ku-Klux Klan, but the Protestants—is the declaration from Klan quarters as a result of the attack being made by The Indianapolis Times against the Klan.

It is the same declaration that always comes when the Klan is under fire.


Just as a matter of information:

It so happens that every stock-holder (and there are no bond-holders) in The Times is Protestant.

It further happens that at the present time every corporate official and every operating manager of The Times is a Protestant.

Install Automatic Safety Signals

Automatic safety signals are being Installed on the Sand Hill and Brick Yard crossings on the Maine Central Railroad in Winslow. Several months ago hearings were held at the Winslow town hall relative to making these crossings safer and the decision rendered was to Install two electric safety signals at the Sand Hill crossing and one signal at the Brick Yard crossing which is on Bay street.

November 1, 1861 – Our Volunteers in Virginia

The Camden Volunteers, Capt. Kennedy.—The health of this Company has greatly improved. Lieut. Niles, who has been home since the last of August, having left the company on account of sickness, returned on Monday last, with a full supply of clothing, blankets, &c., for the men.

Capt. Cantey’s Company, we are glad to learn, is much improved in health; and are happy to say have not been forgotten by their friends, the ladies—of the Camden Association. Yet, so far as we are aware, there has been no uniforms sent them from here—owing to the difficulty in getting goods suitable to make up, as the Confederate army has engaged all the mills in Virginia and North Carolina. We hope they can and will be supplied there.

October 31, 1861 – Gifts from Litchfield

Sergeant Smith of the 4th Regiment, took back with him on Monday to his company a vast amount of comforts and luxuries for “the boys.” He had Hams, Cheeses, Tubs of fresh butter, Crackers, Shirts, Stockings, pipe and cigars, amounting in all to three large dry goods boxes and one barrel full! Something over seventy pairs of good, thick, warm wollen stockings were sent. Notable mothers, sisters and grandmothers, habituated to such labors, have plied their needles during the past fortnight more industriously than ever, and dainty fingers which never before manipulated anything harsher than Berlin wool, have bravely toiled over the heavy blue yarn, anxious to contribute something to the comfort of their brothers in the distant camp.

October 29, 1861 – Army Correspondence

Fort Tillinghast Va., Oct. 10, 1861.
Editors Mineral Point Tribune :

It has rained most of the day, and as darkness slowly comes on, all wonder how the night will pass—whether we freeze, or be dampened and chilled by the cold blasts of the Old Dominion. Well may the gallant crew wonder ; for within the last two weeks we have experienced more or less of cool nights, and are anxious to know how Uncle Sam will manage with his grand army of children as winter approaches. The 2nd will return thanks to the aforesaid Uncle Samuel for the nice over-coats he has been pleased to distribute among us ; and if you would just walk into our quarters, you would readily observe the plenty of everything. The 2nd has been newly clothed throughout, and it is with pride they don them and appear upon dress parade, with eyes front, body erect, and a sober, benign countenance. We calculate the 2nd capable of “dressing up” to any of the volunteer regiments ; and, upon review, parade, or in the camp, their actions bespeak for them a well disciplined and sturdy set of “Badger boys,” capable of going through all manner of hardships.

October 28, 1861 – Dispatches from Head of Passes

U.S. steamer Richmond, showing a near side-on view. Her sails are partly unfurled, and her smokestack sits mid deck.

Washington, Oct. 25.—Commodore McKean’s dispatches are received at the Navy Department. Capt. Pope of the Richmond, reports the hole made in her by the ram was two feet below the water line and five inches in circumference. At the first alarm, the crew cooly repaired to quarters, and as the ram passed abreast the Richmond, the entire port battery was discharged at her, with what effect, it was impossible to discover in the darkness. A red light was shown as a signal of danger, and the entire squadron was under way in a very few minutes, the Richmond covering the retreat. The Preble went over the bar while the Vincennes and Richmond grounded.

October 27, 1861 – Iron Breast-plates for Valiant Secessionists

Among the innumerable contraband articles seized by the Louisville inspectors, during the smuggling season, were two or three breast-plates of cast iron, about one-eighth of an inch in thickness, covered with bunches of cotton cord half an inch thick, with which some valiant Secessionists expected, I presume, to protect their carcasses from Minie balls. The other day one of them was put to the test, without a man to stand behind it. It withstood the balls of Colt’s navy pistol, receiving only a deep indentation, and cracking very slightly; but when tried with the Minie musket, at fifty paces, it fractured like a gourd. Mr. Durett, now of Fort Lafayette, made some efforts to get them released from seizure, and it may be one was intended for his protection.

Coast Guard Boats Riddle Liquor Craft

Photo of the Helen, a rum runner, sitting low in the water after being shot up by the Coast Guard. Men on board are seizing crates of liquor.

Two Vessels Captured After Early-Morning Battle in Long Island Sound.

NEW LONDON, Conn., October 25.—Guns aboard Coast Guard vessels blazed away yesterday in a hectic battle, fought in the darkness of early morning, with two suspected rum runners.

With five craft already to their credit as the result of previous encounters earlier in the week, the Coast Guardsmen in yesterday’s engagement riddled the liquor-laden speed boat Helen of Newport with machine-gun bullets and one-pound shells and captured a second speed boat, the Pueblos of Bridgeport, believed to be a sister ship of the Helen.