November 20, 1861 – Camp Correspondence from the 1st WI

Camp Sherman, near Jeffersonville, Ind., November 14, 1861.

Friend Lute :—I hasten to inform you that the “Bloody First” has, within the last half hour, received marching orders. We are ordered to strike out tents at 8 o’clock, A. M.; to march at nine.—Our destination is doubtless some point below, as we are to go on board a steamer. The alarm drum beat fifteen minutes before twelve, and in less than five minutes the regiment was in line. You may calculate that the boys “scadadled” out of their nests in a hurry.—Each man is to receive 30 rounds of cartriges and two day’s rations; so we are to move some distance.

November 19, 1861 – Opinions of the Press of Col. Singletary’s Late Expedition

The Charlotte Bulletin of the 11th in copying our remarks made some days ago headed “Render Unto Caezar,” &c., makes the remark which follow :

Col. Singletary.—We truly regret to learn that the brave, humane and dashing officer, whose name heads this notice, has been arrested by order of Gen. Hill, for having gone on an expedition without orders, but which has resulted in a way a thousand times more important than would have been the recapture of Hatteras, the Federal soldiers there, and the total destruction of the fort.

November 18, 1861 – Scott’s Regiment

The regiment of mounted volunteers under command of Col. Scott, five companies of which will leave Baton Rouge for the seat of war in Kentucky on Saturday, is a corps of which the State may justly feel proud. It is composed of the substantial young men of Louisiana—gentlemen in their social standing, sons of our worthiest citizens healthy, temperate, athletic—good marksmen and excellent horsemen. They have volunteered for the whole war from an ardent patriotism, leaving behind them the comforts of home, and in every instance all the luxuries that wealth can procure. A nobler regiment of cavalry never formed into line on this continent than the one about to part from us—brave and worthy men, commanded by chivalric and intelligent officers.

Hospital for Social Diseases Now Advocated

Establishment by the city of a hospital for the treatment of persons who may be a menace to the public health because of acute infection was advocated Thursday by Health Commissioner G. C. Ruhland, as an effective means of combatting the activities of medical quacks.

“Milwaukee has taken some advanced steps to meet the problem of social diseases,” said Dr. Ruhland.

Will Seek to Stop Use Norwegian Flag by Rum Ships

Washington, Nov. 12—Activities on ‘‘rum row” of vessels under the Norwegian flag, reported by the coast guard service yesterday, will be investigated by the Norwegian minister here. H. H. Bryn.

Mr. Bryn said today he would ask the American government to furnish him with the names of these ships in order that he might communicate the facts to the Norwegian foreign office.

The minister added that popular opinion In Norway, which is itself a prohibition country, would oppose the use of the Norwegian flag for smuggling liquor into the United States. He expressed confidence that the Norwegian Ship Owners’ Association would take steps to correct any such situation as pointed out in the coast guard report.