The Hampton Legion
We find the subjoined communication in the Charleston Courier. The Regiment, or Legion, will consist of five field officers; Artillery, 120; Cavalry, 352; Infantry, or Voltigeurs, 618; total 1,095.
The pay will be as follows, per month: Colonel, $195; Lieutenant-Colonel, $170 Major, $150; Adjutant, $100; Sergeant-Major, $21; Quartermaster’s Sergeant, $21; Captain of Artillery and Infantry, $130; of Cavalry, $140; First Lieutenants of Artillery and Infantry, $90; of Cavalry, $100; Second Lieutenants, $80 and $90; First Sergeants, $20; Corporals, $13; Privates, $11; Cavalry, $17.
Adjournment of Congress
The 14th of August has been fixed upon for the adjournment of Congress. Much important business remains to be acted up on, and it is said to be impossible for it to adjourn at the time appointed, without serious injury to the best interests of the country. Among the important bills pending are those for the increase of pay of the officers of the Army who are continually quitting the service because they cannot support themselves as becomes their station.
July 12, 1861 – Lincoln’s Conspiracy Against Liberty
July 11, 1861 – The Steamer Winslow
July 10, 1861 – Camp Correspondence
We have on hand a large number of letters from the soldiers, some directed to ourselves, and some of which have been handed in by others who have received them.
Generally, they are made up of items of news, which have since been published, and so are of no general interest.
One is from Henry Fifield, of this place, and is dated, Washington, June 30th. Speaking of passing through Baltimore, he says, Every man in the regiment had his musket loaded and half cocked, and felt determined to fight like thunder, if necessary.”
July 9, 1861 – No Battle Yet
July 8, 1861 – Navy Yard Matters
Pistol Duellists Kill Each Other; Both Empty Guns
July 7, 1861 – Important from New Mexico
The Galveston (Texas) News, of the 24th ult., contains the following. Capt. Clairborne is a citizen of Nashville, and we believe Capt. Wilcox was originally appointed from this State:
Capt. Wilcox, late of the Seventh infantry, U. S. A., and Capt. Claiborne, of the Mounted Rifles, from New Mexico, arrived here last evening via San Antonio. Capt. Wilcox is a brother of Hon. J. A. Wilcox of San Antonio. He was assistant Adjutant General of New Mexico until he received promotion to his company. He goes-to Richmond. Capt. Claiborne goes to Tennessee, his native State, to offer his sword to Gov. Harris.