Radio Club With Twenty Charter Members Formed
With a charter membership of approximately 20 persons a Montgomery Radio club was duly organised Tuesday evening at the Chamber of Commerce and a constitution and by-laws adopted.
The purpose of the club will be “to band together those persons interested in the science of radio; to cause to be enacted laws, rules and regulations for benefit of radio enthusiasts; to uphold laws enacted by the United States and to promote the interest of radio in the community and further study of the science among members of the club.”
September 3, 1861 – Steamboat Captured
Martian Signals Read by Local Man
‘Old Salt’ Discovers Possible Code For Recent Sounds
The mysterious “signals from Mars” have been read! A local man, a retired and retiring sea captain, has a theory concerning the sounds, not of earthly origin, recorded on radio Instruments during the recent approach of Mars to the Earth, and in view of the fact that scientists themselves are disputing as to what these noises may be, his theory is as good as any other.
“Old Salt,” as the originator of the theory prefers to be known, started from the fact that the sounds consisted of four dots and five dashes, often repeated. He then proceeded to number the bodies in the solar system, starting with the Sun as No. 1. Mercury No. 2, Venus No. 3, Earth No. 4, Mars No. 5, and so on.
September 2, 1861 – Important News from Coast of North Carolina
The Federal Fleet Attacking Two Sand Batteries—Their Capturing Six Hundred Prisoners, &c.
The steamer Louisiana, Capt. Cannon, from Old Point, arrived Sunday, A. M., and brings the following important advices from the Federal fleet, which sailed from Old Point on Monday last. The steamer Adelaide had returned from the fleet and proceeded to Annapolis on Saturday, having on board Major General Butler and fourteen wounded Confederate prisoners, bound to Washington. We understand that the entire fleet, consisting of five war vessels, surrounded and engaged two sand batteries on the beach, at the mouth of Hatteras Inlet, and after considerable firing on both sides, a shell from the frigate Minnesota, caused the explosion of the Confederates’ magazine, when the entire body, said to number six hundred, were forced to surrender, from loss of ammunition and no means of retreat. Included among those taken prisoners, was Com. Barron. They were all sent to New York.
Six Sailormen Rescued After Four Days Adrift
Survivors of Wrecked Schooner Lived Off Flying Fish—Three Others Lost.
By the Associated Press.
EAST HAMPTON, N. Y., September 1.—Six survivors of the four-masted auxiliary schooner Samuel W. Hathaway, wrecked at sea last Tuesday in a hurricane that swept the Atlantic seaboard, were picked up early today by the steamship Southern Cross, bound from Buenos Aires for New York.
The rescued sailormen were found floating atop of the schooner’s skylight, where they had existed for four days, eating such flying fish that they snared and drinking water that they caught in their hats.
September 1, 1861 – Lincoln, the Woman-Tyrant
The world has never produced a man who is destined to receive the execrations of mankind and to merit the lash of the satirist, in a larger measure than ABRAHAM LINCOLN, first the low baffoon, and next the bloody tyrant. This man is, like all tyrants, weak of will and of a miserably contracted intellect. This weakness of resolution makes him the tool of the bolder and bloodier men that surround him. Having no clear views of statesmanship, and having devoted his mind and soul to dogma, he has surrendered himself as the read, victim of cruel counsellors, and of the vindictive party leaders who control his conduct. Day by day he issues some new decree by which constitutional liberty is crushed out and the way prepared for absolute despotism.
Il Duce Roars Defiance to the World
Duce Tells His Troops to Be Ready for Instant Call to Arms.
Sends Warships Speeding to ‘Maneuvers’ at Suez Canal.
By United Press
WITH THE ITALIAN ARMY, BOLANZO, Aug. 31.—Italy’s reply to threats of the world will be to bring to the highest decree of power all the armed forces of the nation, Benito Mussolini roared to 140,000 soldiers of his maneuvering army today.
“The world must know once again that while there is talk so absurd and provocative of penalties (sanctions), we will not give up a single soldier, a single sailor, a single aviator,” Il Duce cried to his men.
He spoke from the heights of Mt. Ronzone, with the soldiers ranged along the slopes of the hill. King Victor Emmanuel stood by his side.
August 31, 1861 – Capt. Shurtliff
Ostrich Nearly Kills Attendant
Huge Bird Attacks Robert Reed
Pursues Him Around a Tree
Employe at Cawston Farm Attempts to Rescue Japanese and Almost Loses Life Before Ostrich is Beaten Off
In an encounter with a huge male ostrich at the Cawston ostrich farm yesterday, afternoon, Robert Reed, an employe of the company, was kicked twice and stamped by the angry bird, and undoubtedly would have been killed but for the timely Interference of other attendants, who beat off the ostrich with clubs.
Reed sustained a broken rib and his body was black and blue from the ostrich’s attacks upon him. A physician was called and Reed was taken to his home.