December 26, 1861 – From the Upper Potomac

The Rebels Try to Destroy Dam No. 6.

WILLIAMSPORT, MD., Dec. 20.—Affairs in and around this vicinity are quiet, though we expect to have an exchange of shots with the enemy at Dam No. 5 and Falling Waters. Gen. Jackson’s (rebel) battery is at the former place, including a 12-pounder rifled gun, and the enemy have been at work endeavoring to destroy tho dam there, which now seems to bo the principal object of their demonstrations. Their firing is returned by two Parrott guns belonging to Knapp’s Pennsylvania battery.

At the latter place—Falling Waters—one section of Best’s battery has been operating occasionally against two of Gen. Jackson’s guns. The design of the enemy at Falling Waters appears to be to distract our attention from Dam No. 5. Tho effect of our fire has not been developed. The enemy’s guns have produced no result on the dam.—The Connecticut Fifth regiment joins Gen. Kelley’s command, and will report at Hancock or Romney in a few days. Col. Kelly’s First Maryland Regiment arrived here to-day.

There is not the least danger of Gen. Jackson’s rebel force attempting to cross the river. A deserter says he has been ordered to destroy dam No. 5 at any sacrifice.

Last night a party of the Connecticut Fifth Regiment, and some of the men of Lt. Rickett’s battery went over the Potomac in a skiff, and burnt the mill at Dam No. 5, which has been occupied by the rebels as a stronghold. They captured some guns, tools for breaking up the canal dam, blankets, etc.

Civilian & Telegraph, Cumberland, MD


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