November 2, 1861 – Startling News from Southern Kansas

Major Russell, of Osage, ten miles below Humboldt, arrived here on Monday night. He gives the most distressing accounts of affairs on our South-eastern border. He and his family have been driven from their home by rebels. A party of Secessionists, said to number 437, are now in Allen and Woodson counties, overrunning those counties and threatening to sweep thro’ the whole Neosho Valley. Major Russell fears that our next news will be that Iola and Leroy have followed the fate of luckless Humboldt. Citizens are leaving that portion of the State in the greatest haste, leaving all their furniture and goods behind. Scouts from Leroy report a force of 1,200 Missourians within thirty miles of Humboldt with the avowed purpose of making a raid upon Kansas.

No Secret Order Shall Rule Indiana!

THAT THE TIMES is Catholic—that it is fighting not the Ku-Klux Klan, but the Protestants—is the declaration from Klan quarters as a result of the attack being made by The Indianapolis Times against the Klan.

It is the same declaration that always comes when the Klan is under fire.


Just as a matter of information:

It so happens that every stock-holder (and there are no bond-holders) in The Times is Protestant.

It further happens that at the present time every corporate official and every operating manager of The Times is a Protestant.

Install Automatic Safety Signals

Automatic safety signals are being Installed on the Sand Hill and Brick Yard crossings on the Maine Central Railroad in Winslow. Several months ago hearings were held at the Winslow town hall relative to making these crossings safer and the decision rendered was to Install two electric safety signals at the Sand Hill crossing and one signal at the Brick Yard crossing which is on Bay street.

November 1, 1861 – Our Volunteers in Virginia

The Camden Volunteers, Capt. Kennedy.—The health of this Company has greatly improved. Lieut. Niles, who has been home since the last of August, having left the company on account of sickness, returned on Monday last, with a full supply of clothing, blankets, &c., for the men.

Capt. Cantey’s Company, we are glad to learn, is much improved in health; and are happy to say have not been forgotten by their friends, the ladies—of the Camden Association. Yet, so far as we are aware, there has been no uniforms sent them from here—owing to the difficulty in getting goods suitable to make up, as the Confederate army has engaged all the mills in Virginia and North Carolina. We hope they can and will be supplied there.