November 30, 1861 – The Eastern Virginia Expedition

Confirmation of the Peaceful victory of General Lockwood—Nine Cannon Captured—Preparations for Annexation to Maryland

After passing Newtown the military force met with various obstructions in the road, consisting of the destruction of bridges and the felling of trees across the road. Some were easily marched around and others quickly removed. The first earthwork they encountered was this side of Oak Hill, prepared for four guns, hut none were mounted, and there was no force visible anywhere.

Between Oak Hill amd Drummondtown another battery was encountered, on which eight guns were mounted, but it was entirely deserted. There was also another earthwork about eight miles beyond Drummondtown, which was likewise deserted.

Up to the time our informant left there had been nine smooth-bore iron cannon captured, all elegantly mounted, but no ammunition, with the exception of some bags of iron slugs, evidently cut from rod iron, about an inch and a half long. No powder had been discovered, and if they had any it has been concealed. The only muskets thus far secured were about one hundred old flint-lock, with rough flints in them that would not explode powder placed in the pans more than once in six trials.

Colonel Smith, who had command of the militia who made these earthworks, had made his escape and had eluded the most diligent search. A Captain and two Lieutenants had been captured, and the disbanded militia all contend that they were forced to take up arms against their will. Not a single individual acknowledging himself to be a secessionist had been encountered.

The Unionists, of whom there is undoubtedly a great number, have met the troops with the most enthusiastic demonstrations of joy at their deliverance, and now have full control of the two counties.

The column about to start for Eastville, the Capital of Northampton county, were not expected to reach there before the close of the present week, though the advance—composed of Richard’s Pennsylvania Cavalry, the Fifth New York, and an Indiana Regiment—had already readied there. Information had, however, been received from there that the Secessionists had disbanded, and that the Union men had received the advance column with every demonstration of loyalty.

Arrangements were being made in both Accomac and Northampton counties to hold meetings, and to give expression to the loyal sentiments of the people. It was expected that an application would be made to Governor Pierpont to accept the counties as a portion of the new Stale of Kanawha as a temporary measure, looking to future legislation to attach the two counties to the State of Maryland.

The light on Cape Charles is to be immediately repaired and lighted, by order of the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Postmaster General has sent an agent to renew postal arrangements between the two counties.

Chaplain Healey informs us that the greatest destitution prevails among the people. Sugar and coffee could not be obtained at any price, and flour was also very scarce and high. The military had been welcomed as an end to the military tyranny that had been crushing them.

A man named Murray was spoken of as the leader of this tyranny, but he made his escape.

The Cecil Whig, Elkton, MD

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