November 26, 1861 – The Potomac Batteries

The correspondent of the New York Herald, in Sickles brigade, thus writes concerning the Potomac batteries: “There is no locality where activity has been greater, or at least where it has been more visible, than along the southern shore of the Potomac. The batteries which the Confederates have erected at different points, practically closing the river upon large vessels, and those which they are still constructing, to render the blockade more effectual, fully attest the fact. Yesterday hundreds of them were seen at work opposite Lower Goose bay, a couple of miles below this place, throwing up earthworks. In the afternoon others were observed cutting and burning trees on a high bluff about a mile above here, between Timber Branch and Cockpit Point. That, bluff is one of the highest points of land close to the shore, within many miles of here, and it is probable they are putting up a battery there. It is quite likely that after their experience of day before yesterday, they have at last come to the conclusion that more batteries are necessary to prevent small craft running up and down the river at pleasure. I have already informed you that, on Monday forenoon, three schooners passed up the river drawing the fire of all the batteries opposite this place. The occasion afforded an excellent opportunity for the Confederates to show what they could do. But not, one shot hit either of the schooners. And so it has been with reference to all the vessels of limited tonnage that they have fired at. One would suppose that an occasional shot would hit by accident. Heretofore, however, their ammunition has been wasted. If heavy guns shall be mounted at the points I have just indicated, they will have a clear sweep of the Potomac in this vicinity, and vessels will bo subject to a continuous stream of fire for several miles when they attempt to run up or down the river, for when they pass one battery another will open on them. Among the many advantages which the driving of them away from their positions opposite here and below would give our government, is the unobstructed navigation of the river. Another is the opportunity to got in their rear and flank Manassas. Altogether, the lower Potomac is a point of much interest and importance.”

The Local News, Alexandria, VA


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