November 25, 1861 – Kentucky Army Letter

CAMP NEVIN, KY., November 21, ’61.

Editors Press—I was yesterday, through a fair friend, furnished with a copy of the Daily Press, and I write to tell you that the contents of its pages were devoured with avidity and a wholesome relish by your correspondent, and then passed from one to an other among his comrades; and to request you to remind the folks at home that newspapers are the most welcome visitors at camp after bread and blankets.

Speaking of blankets, it appears to us here, that the ladies of Louisville and vicinity have been more generous, and have used greater efforts to supply the soldiers with blankets and under clothing than the people of any other section, the Government itself not excepted. In coming to this conclusion we may be wrong, but we are open to conviction. Yesterday three boxes arrived that had been sent by these ladies, containing blankets, shirts, socks and drawers—fifty of each. Of course these did not supply half of our wants, but the soldiers upon receiving them rejoiced and manifested great delight, not at the prospect of the comfort they would afford, but from the knowledge of the fact that others felt for them in their trials and sufferings; and the universal exclamation of the men was, “God bless the ladies of Louisville!”

What made these donations more acceptable, was the prevailing opinion that we were not entitled to them; that the ladies of our own section would supply us, or at least make an effort to do so. For be it known our company is from Covington, Ky, was mustered into the service at Camp Joe Holt about the 1st of September, under their Colonel, but now General Rousseau, and subsequently assigned to the Fourth Kentucky, commanded by Colonel Whitaker. Do not understand me as asking for donations from the ladies of our burg, “or any other man;” I do not wish to have them considered less liberal or willing to act in behalf of the ladies.

Can I add any to your stock of Information in regard to how we are situated here, and what is going on in camp? I doubt not. Of course you are familiar with our entrance and march thus far into Kentucky; but it is not generally known that to General Rousseau and command belong the honor and credit of the first advance along the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, and the holding in check of Buckner’s force, and thereby saving the city of Louisville. Our company and two others of the Fourth Kentucky were the first to ford Rolling Fork and reconnoiter the neighborhood around the root of Muldrow’s Hill, and the next day to march to and occupy it. I commit no imprudence in stating that we held this hill with a force of only four hundred men, while our reserve at the Junction near Rolling Fork only numbered eighteen hundred all told. If the rebels bad known this, I fear for the consequences. The third day the gallant Forty-ninth Ohio came to our assistance, and our course then was onward.

We have been encamped here on the bank of Nolin Creek for about a month, but during this time have not been idle. The men who left their various occupations and entered the service by thousands upon their country’s call, from Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and far off Wisconsin, are being rapidly perfected in all the arts of war and movements on the field of battle. The rebels at Bowling Green say that we are afraid to attack them; but we can say the same to them, and our position has not half the natural advantages for defense that theirs has.

The strength of our force here you can estimate better than the most of us; and in regard to what is going on in camp I can enlighten you very little, for be it remembered our camp covers an area of from six to eight miles square. A captain remarked the other day, upon being informed of spies being in camp, that if they could find out what was going on here and what our force was, they could do a d—d sight more than any of us. Various reports are in circulation about camp in regard to Buckner’s strength. One day a man will be brought in that has just come from Buckner s camp, and he reports his force at sixty thousand, and well fortified; and the next day another will be brought in that has just escaped from Bowling Green, where he bad been forced to work on their fortifications, and he will report Buckner only eighteen thousand strong, with three or four batteries. But of course our Generals are well posted in regard to the strength of the rebels, and we all feel satisfied that they will go in at the proper time. If a line or two of items would be of interest to you, none would be more willing to send it than.

Cincinnati Daily Press, Cincinnati, OH


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