The regiment of mounted volunteers under command of Col. Scott, five companies of which will leave Baton Rouge for the seat of war in Kentucky on Saturday, is a corps of which the State may justly feel proud. It is composed of the substantial young men of Louisiana—gentlemen in their social standing, sons of our worthiest citizens healthy, temperate, athletic—good marksmen and excellent horsemen. They have volunteered for the whole war from an ardent patriotism, leaving behind them the comforts of home, and in every instance all the luxuries that wealth can procure. A nobler regiment of cavalry never formed into line on this continent than the one about to part from us—brave and worthy men, commanded by chivalric and intelligent officers.
The cost of raising, equipping, arming, clothing and subsisting this regiment has been chiefly from the liberal bounty of individuals and parishes. What that cost is will appear from an estimate of some of the more important items. There are not less than 750 horses, worth at least $200 each, or $150,000. Saddles and equipments for the same number at $25 each horse, $18,760. Uniforms and other clothing of men at $30 each, $22,500. One pair of blankets each, at $8, $000. Five hundred large revolvers at $50, $25,000. Double-barrelled shot guns, 750, worth $25 each, $18,750. Two hundred and fifty brace of cavalry pistols at $10, $200. These items alone, which do not begin to cover the actual outlay, amount to $243,250.
The expense of subsisting this corps for a period of two months must amount to more than sixty thousand dollars.
It was about the 15th of July that Col. Scott received from the President authority to raise a Battalion of Mounted Men from Louisiana, his valuable services on the Peninsula and his peculiar adaptation to the command of cavalry having been observed and appreciated by the War Department. He remained in Virginia long enough to take an efficient part in tile battle of the 21st of July, then returned to enter upon the responsible and laborious duty assigned to him. The large number of companies seeking a place in his corps induced him to apply for admission to raise a regiment instead of a battalion, which was cheerfully granted. When not prevented by serious illness he has labored incessantly, day and night, in the pursuit of his laudable and patriotic enterprise. His success is complete. The last company (from Catahoula) was mustered into service late in October. The work of drilling has been industriously pursued under competent instruction with commendable results. Tile regiment will take the field ready in all respects for that active service for which every member of it is eager.
The field officers of the regiment are as follows, except Assistant Surgeon, none having been appointed in place of Dr. Woods, declined:
John S. Scott, Colonel.
J. O. Nixon, Lieut.-Colonel.
Jervaise Schlatre, Major.
Albert Cammack, Quartermaster.
P. C. Fox, Adjutant.
N. T. N. Robinson, Commissary.
Dr. T. P. Hotchkiss, Surgeon.
Jos. Colton, Forage Master.
A. Wilson, Wagon Master.
The several companies are commanded as follows:
Company A—Capt. C. W. Keep, of Iberville.
Company B—Capt. J.M. Taylor, E. Baton Rouge.
Company C—Capt. W. W. Leake, East Felicina.
Company D—Capt. J.. R. Williams, Rapidos.
Company E—Capt. G. A. Scott, West Feliciana.
Company F—Capt. Jos. Benjamin, Concordia.
Company G—Capt. Fenelon Cannon, Avoyellrs.
Company H—Capt. J. Campbell, E. Baton Rtouge.
tCompany I—Capt. O. Lejune, Pointe Coupee.
Company K—Capt. W. L. Ditto, Catahoula.
The ten companies number about 750 men. A section of Light Artillery under command of Lieut. Holmes, late of Watson’s Battalion, consisting of 25 men with one rifled tour-pounder gun and two mountain howitzers, will be attached to the squadron commanded by Capt. Keep of Company A.
It is worthy of remark that this splendid corps is raised exclusively from the country parishes and is essentially a planters’ regiment. The men who compose it are fair representatives of the inhabitants of the State, on which they will reflect the lustre of bravery, honor, chivalry and patriotism, wherever they may go. The hearts of thousands of their kindred will ache at their departure, but tens of thousands will swell with proud and joyful emotion when they shall return plumed and wreathed with honorable triumphs.
New Orleans Daily Crescent, New Orleans, LA