A grand review of the United States Army, now encamped in this neighborhood, took place yesterday, a few miles from this city, near the residence of Cassius F. Lee. A number of spectators from Alexandria were present.
The forces reviewed were as follows:
Gen. Kearney’s Brigade—The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th regiments, New Jersey Volunteers.
Gen. Slocomb’s Brigade—The 16th, 17th, and 26th regiments New York Volunteers and the 5th regiment Maine Volunteers.
Gen. Newton’s Brigade—The 18th, and 31st New York, 1st California, and 54th Pennsylvania Volunteers.
Arnold’s Battery, New Jersey Battery, and 1st Massachusetts Battery, with six companies of Lincoln Cavalry.
The forces were reviewed by Gen. McClellan, and Prince De Joinville, with the staff officers.
The Local News, Alexandria, VA