San Francisco, Oct. 20—The dirigible Shenandoah arrived over San Francisco at 3:05 P. M., today and sailed over the business section for a half hour. As far as the city was concerned, she was first spoken off Point Bonita, six miles to the north, at 2:40 P. M., for an hour before the great envelope, steel grey against the sky, could be seen by thousands of eager watchers on the roofs of buildings and in the streets.
Off the Golden Gate she bent inland and maneuvered for altitude. Over the city proper she flew at a height of 1,000 feet or more, described a wide semi-circle and then dipped into the clouds attain to be quickly lost to view. She seemed to be making slow progress, particularly when she was in the off-shore winds that thrust straight at her.
She left radio greetings for Mayor James Rolph. Jr., while flying over the city, but gave no indication as to the exact route she would follow out of San Francisco. It was believed that she would continue along the coast.
Daily Kennebec Journal, Augusta, ME, October 21, 1924