LONDON, Oct.—Flappers and lounge-lizards, and all who have contributed to the lowering of moral standards, came under severe condemnation today when the national council of public morals met In convention here.
Combining with the national council for the promotion of race renewal, the council of public morals opened up an offensive against laxity in morals.
The morals of the world were dissected and efforts will be made to restore the pre-war standards of morality.
“The prolonged use of force has left the general impression that its employment will solve every form of evil,” says the call of the convention. “A still greater danger Is that the responsibilities of parenthood are being evaded. Social morality has scarcely entered the mind of the multitude. Amongst the disastrous results of the war is the grave change for the worse which has taken place In the social relations between men and women, and this must be emphasized. The high standard of women’s influence in the home, the nurture of child life, and the tone of society are being lowered. The ominous symptoms are not confined to any one of the group of European nations, but are more or less universal in their menace.”
Among those who are interested in the work of the convention are the Archbishop of Wales. Lord Leverhulme, Home Secretary Shortt. Lady Rhondda, J. R. Clynes and Walter Runciman.
The Lake County Times, Hammond, IN, October 19, 1922