October 13, 1861 – Important From Fort Pickens

Fight Between Col. Wilson’s Zouaves and Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama Soldiers on Santa Rosa Island

Baltimore, Oct. 12,1811.

The Norfolk Day Book, received this morning, contains despatches from New Orleans giving an account of a surprise and attack made on Col. Wm. Wilson’s Zouaves, at Rosa Island, on the 8th inst. Detachments from several Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama regiments made a landing in the night and drove in Wilson’s pickets, and shortly afterwards a fierce fight began. The Zouaves of Colonel Wilson are credited with having fought with great bravery, and the rebels admit a loss of forty killed and about double that number wounded. The rebels claim to have spiked the guns of the Zouaves and destroyed all their camp equipage. They also claim to have committed great slaughter among the Zouaves, but give no number of the killed. The rebels also say they carried off a number of prisoners.