October 11, 1861 – From the Army

Camp Advance, Fort Smith
4th Vermont Regiment

Friend Swain:—We are now encamped on the “sacred soil,” at the advanced post of the division, in the vicinity of Chain Bridge. But a word regarding our trip.—

We left Camp Holbrook, at Brattleboro, Saturday evening about 8 o’clock, and arrived at New Haven about daylight, and embarked immediately on board the steamer Elm City and landed at Jersey City Sunday, about 12 o’clock, and started immediately by rail for Washington. We were furnished at Philadelphia with a splendid supper, and I assure you the boys did ample justice to the good things, for more hungry set would be hard to find. I understand every regiment passing through is fed—and in good shape too—a large building has been erected, and everything arranged in the best shape, with a separate room for working, which is all supported by a voluntary subscription, with plenty of pretty volunteer girls to wait on the bold soldier boys.