Stylish and Stout Models Shown At Daylight Wednesday
Coats, dresses and suits, built especially for the stylish stout woman, were shown in a delightful array, Wednesday forenoon and afternoon at the Daylight Store, H. L. Merrill, proprietor. Two women from New York, who were true to type, under the stylish stout class, displayed the fall and winter models at the two shows to a large number of appreciative patrons.
Dresses for evening wear and yet suitable as well, for afternoon wear were shown, including some lovely creations in the new very popular chenille embroidered georgette. This delightful material gives the look of weight, without actually supplying it. One lovely dress of this material, was in a deep rose color and its sole ornament was a gold cloth lined bow at the front left hip. Another dress was in a rich shade of blue, also made on simple lines.