October 1, 1861 – Sent to Richmond

Loreta Velázquez (AKA Mary Ann Keith) as herself (right)
and disguised as "Lieutenant Harry T. Buford" (left)

A lady who gave her name as Mrs. Mary Ann Keith, of Memphis, Tennessee, was arrested in Lynchburg on Wednesday. When arrested she was rigged out in a full suit of soldiers’ clothes, and had registered her name at the Piedmont House as Lieutenant Buford. She said she had been married twice—her first husband having been a member of Sherman’s famous battery; her second was in the Southern army; but she stated she was separated from him, for some reason she did not make known. She declared she was all right on the Southern question, and scouted the idea of being a spy. She said her reason for dressing in soldier clothes was, that she had determined to fight the battles of her country, and thought such disguise more likely to enable her to accomplish her object. She was sent on to Richmond for a further hearing on Thursday morning.

Wright Encircles Statue of Liberty

Newspaper photograph of a steamship with the caption "Replica of the Clermont, Fulton's first steamboat, out for a trial spin on the Hudson."

The First Aviation Day of the Hudson-Fulton Celebration Is Marked by Successful Demonstrations by Both Wright and Curtiss—Dirigible Balloons Come to Grief Very Quickly.

Yonkers, N. Y., Sept. 25—As the Clermont came within sight of the docks here the water in her boilers became exhausted and the engine became overheated. Her machinery was stopped, while a tug put a line aboard and towed the craft ashore.

New York, Sept. 29.—Wilbur Wright circled the great statue of Liberty at the entrance of New York harbor in his aeroplane today. while in the upper part of the city two dirigible balloons failed ingloriously in their task. This, the first day of flight of the Hudson-Fulton celebration, was a victory for the heavier-than-air machine.