September 30, 1861 – The Mountains for the Union

A friend of ours who has just returned from a business trip through the counties of Mercer, Boyle, Lincoln, Pulaski and Wayne, brings the most cheering news. The Union cause is flourishing every-where. Even the Secessionists have declared for the The Union and have taken up arms against the Tennessee invaders.

Pulaski County will send nearly one-half of her men to help defend the soil of Kentucky. Captain John Griffin, who was a member of the last Legislature from Pulaski, and one of the twenty-three Disunionists who voted against raising the American flag over the dome of the Capitol last winter, has volunteered and shouldered his gun to drive out the robbers from Tennessee.

In Lincoln County both parties have held public meetings, and resolved to unite in driving out the invaders.

All along the road from here to the Tennessee line may be seen squads of men on their way to Camp Dick Robinson.

The mountains are alive with zeal for the Union, and the people declare that no Disunionist shall live among them who will not defend his State when actually invaded.

Cincinnati Daily Press, Cincinnati, OH


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