Hunters To Take Field

Exodus From City For Opening of Season Seen

The mighty chicken hunters start out tomorrow.

North Dakota’s annual hunting season—the biggest sport of all for some—opens. Seven hundred hunters’ licenses had been issued by the county auditor today, and it was certain that there would be an exodus from the city for the first day of the sport.

The season is open on prairie chickens from September 16 to October 17, inclusive; on ducks, geese and brant, September 16 to December 2, inclusive; is open on partridge in the northern part of the state from October 7 to October 16. The season is closed on quail, Hungarian partridge, pheasants, antelope and deer.

The limit on prairie chickens is five birds a day, on geese eight a day and on ducks 15 a day. Shooting is forbidden between sunset and one-half hour before sunrise. Hunting licenses cost North Dakotans $1.50 while they cost out-of-state hunters $25.

The Bismarck Tribune, Bismarck, ND, September 15, 1924


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