September 15, 1861 – From Fortress Monroe

Another Expedition on Foot—Its Destination Unknown.

The Fortress Monroe correspondent of the New York Herald, of the 12th, says:

We are preparing for another expedition, the destination of which is just now not precisely known. But whenever the blow falls you may be assured that the results will be as brilliant and as beneficial to the cause, if not more so, than the last, which stirred the hearts of the patriotic like a trumpet blast. Where the impending stroke is to fall I am, of course, not permitted to say; but I betray no confidence when I say that it will aim at the very vitals of the rebellion, and if not deadly, will inflict a wound from which the traitorous States will languish, if not finally die. Action, action, action, is the maxim that will hereafter govern the campaign of General Wool. When he sees a weak point—and he can detect it quicker than any officer in our service—then he will strike the blow. Hereafter the rebels must look to their own homes, and relinquish their hopes of possessing the Federal Capital. The war will be carried into Africa. Let them take notice in time. While they are cannonading at the gates of Washington, and thundering their violent threats almost before the President’s house itself, the long, strong arm of the Government is encircling their very hearthstones; and where a spirit of obedience to its mild requirements is not manifested, it will be demanded on pain of such penalties as it has a right to demand. The traitors will soon have occasion to rue the hour when they took up arms against the most kind and beneficent Government that the sun ever shone on, and first to feel the strength of the Federal arm will be the State of South Carolina.

Cincinnati Daily Press, Cincinnati, OH


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