New Search for a North Polar Continent

While there are deeds of daring to be done men will be found to do them. Captain Scott’s terrible story of his hardships, privations and finally his tragic death are still fresh in the minds of all, but it in no way deters others from following his noble example. The North Pole was discovered by Peary in 1906, but science is not yet satisfied. Peary reported that he sighted land and that, in his opinion, there was an Arctic continent. What is this continent made of? Are there any inhabitants? If so, what are their language and customs? What are the fauna and flora of this unknown region? Two men are heading expeditions at present with the purpose of answering these questions and are willingly risking their lives and those of many others to satisfy the demands of science. And these two men are Vilhjalmar Stefansson and Donald McMillan.