Life Is Still Gay in Luxor and the Titled Visitors Are Many
Luxor, Upper Egypt—The golden sunshine and balmy breezes prevailing, Luxor, fringed with its great ribbons of green vegetation, is just now at its heydey, even though the curtain is being slowly rung down on the Egyptian season. It forms the busy passing point for hosts of tourists who are returning from the upper Nile and those belated travelers who are hurrying up to Assouan, Wadi Halfa and Khartoum. Belgian colors are in favor everywhere for King Albert and Queen Elizabeth of the Belgians have been among the noted visitors of recent days. The queen is accompanied by Countess von der Steen and her sister. Princess Rupprecht of Bavaria, who has come down from Assouan.
The king of Saxony, so report states, has enjoyed splendid big game shooting on the upper Nile. He is now in the neighborhood of Mechra Ram, and is expected to arrive in Luxor, where apartments have been reserved for him at the Winter palace. Lord and Lady Decies are leaving the Winter palace for Assouan and the upper Nile. They have chartered the commodious steamer Indiana. Comte and Comtesse Jacques de Lesseps, who, like Lord and Lady Decies, are on their honeymoon, left the Winter palace and are continuing up the Nile by dahabeah. Lord and Lady Algernon Gordon Lennox, accompanied by their daughter, have been prominent figures in Luxor’s social life. They have a dahabeah and also have taken apartments in Winter palace.
Lord Carnarvon, who has been directing some very successful excavations on the west bank during the winter, with the assistance of Mr. Howard Carter, has left for Cairo. He has made some splendid finds. He has recently been entertaining Professor A. H. Sayce.
Arizona Republican, Phoenix, AZ, April 17, 1911