Six Sailormen Rescued After Four Days Adrift

Survivors of Wrecked Schooner Lived Off Flying Fish—Three Others Lost.

By the Associated Press.

EAST HAMPTON, N. Y., September 1.—Six survivors of the four-masted auxiliary schooner Samuel W. Hathaway, wrecked at sea last Tuesday in a hurricane that swept the Atlantic seaboard, were picked up early today by the steamship Southern Cross, bound from Buenos Aires for New York.

The rescued sailormen were found floating atop of the schooner’s skylight, where they had existed for four days, eating such flying fish that they snared and drinking water that they caught in their hats.

September 1, 1861 – Lincoln, the Woman-Tyrant

The world has never produced a man who is destined to receive the execrations of mankind and to merit the lash of the satirist, in a larger measure than ABRAHAM LINCOLN, first the low baffoon, and next the bloody tyrant. This man is, like all tyrants, weak of will and of a miserably contracted intellect. This weakness of resolution makes him the tool of the bolder and bloodier men that surround him. Having no clear views of statesmanship, and having devoted his mind and soul to dogma, he has surrendered himself as the read, victim of cruel counsellors, and of the vindictive party leaders who control his conduct. Day by day he issues some new decree by which constitutional liberty is crushed out and the way prepared for absolute despotism.