Huge Bird Attacks Robert Reed
Pursues Him Around a Tree
Employe at Cawston Farm Attempts to Rescue Japanese and Almost Loses Life Before Ostrich is Beaten Off
In an encounter with a huge male ostrich at the Cawston ostrich farm yesterday, afternoon, Robert Reed, an employe of the company, was kicked twice and stamped by the angry bird, and undoubtedly would have been killed but for the timely Interference of other attendants, who beat off the ostrich with clubs.
Reed sustained a broken rib and his body was black and blue from the ostrich’s attacks upon him. A physician was called and Reed was taken to his home.
Reed entered the ostrich pen with a Japanese. The latter was. attacked by one of the birds and Reed Interfered. Thoroughly enraged, the bird turned upon Reed, and with a kick more dangerous than that of any horse tossed him a distance of fifteen feet, where he brought up against a fence. The ostrich was upon him In an instant, jumping and striking.
The man finally struggled to his feet only to be dealt another blow by the bird’s foot. This time he landed within a few feet of a tree, and springing up he made for its trunk. The branches were too high for him to reach, so round and round the trunk he dodged with the ostrich In awkward pursuit.
The Japanese made good his escape, when the bird turned upon the man who came to his assistance. He was crazed with fright but his cries brought the attendants to the pen, Reed’s rescue being accomplished a moment afterward.
Los Angeles Herald, Los Angeles, CA, August 30, 1905