August 26, 1861 – The New State

From the Morgantown Star.

The name of the proposed new State formed from this portion of Virginia—Kanawha—is not the one we would have given, but it is, nevertheless, a very pretty one, but not so good as “New Virginia, or “West Virginia.” We still love the name of Virginia, and now that our Contention has commenced breaking the chains forged for us by the tyrants of the East, we are proud to say that we were born in West Virginia. The flames kindled in the hearts of our people are bursting over the Alleghany Mountains, and the tyrants of the East may now see the folly of their usurpation. Let “the gal’d jade wince,” we will soon be free. Let Letcher, Wise, Pryor & Co howl, the West will be free from their oppressions. Let them send their hordes of hired South Carolina dupes to press us with a tyranical hand, and we promise them a warm reception—something like the British reception at New Orleans. May God speed the day that the chains that bind us may be completely broken, and no tyrant left to make more.

Daily Intelligencer, Wheeling, VA (WV)


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