Dramatic Scene Marks First Day Of Murder Trial

TOMBSTONE. Ariz, Aug. 16. The first day of the trial of James Haverty, charged with murdering his brother, Richard, on April 21, came to a sensational close this evening when Mrs. Richard Haverty rushed at the man accused of slaying her husband, vigorously slapped his face, and then collapsed in the arms of friends. The incident occurred as Haverty was leaving the court room.

James Haverty is charged, with having shot his brother following an exchange of words near Ramsey Canyon about 40 miles east of here. The Haverty brothers were tor many years well known cattlemen in south eastern Arizona.

A contest over the admissibility of evidence arose today when Mrs. Frank Moson, wife of a rancher living near the Haverty ranches, testified that, following the shooting, Richard Haverty had said:

“It was cold-blooded murder.”

The difficulty between Mrs. Richard Haverty and her brother-in-law arose as they passed in the corridor of the courthouse Mrs. Haverty later charged that James Haverty “leered'” at her. A quick exchange of words followed the incident, but attorneys and relatives of the man and woman persuaded them to drop the argument.

Arizona Republican, Phoenix, AZ, August 17, 1921


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