August 16, 1861 – Our Fifth Regiment

A Harrisburgh, Penn., paper gives the following description of our Fifth Wisconsin Regiment (in which is our Manitowoc Company,) as it passed through that city:

Fifth Wisconsin Regiment,—This regiment from the far North West, is now in this city, encamped near Camp Curtin. Some things are reported of these men worthy of note. They are chiefly lumbermen, miners and met living upon their own resources. They have been well clothed and furnished by their State, the Legislature having appropriated liberally for such purpose. The following are the regimental officers:

Colonel —Amassa Cobb, former General of State militia, and late Speaker of Assembly.

Lieut. Colonel Emery.

Major—C. H. Larrabee, late member of Congress.

The regimental officers are among the leading men of the State.

This regiment is accompanied by a band noted at Beloit the home of the troupe, as possessing much experience and composing talent—Dr. J. Craig, leader—23 members. The instruments of this band cost the members $1,600, and are of solid silver.

Accompanying this regiment is the accomplished Miss Eliza Wilson, a young lady of great wealth, her father, Colonel Wilson, an extensive lumberman in the Wisconsin pineries. Miss Wilson appears in the army costume. Our informant also says, many of the privates are large capitalists. About 20 are printers, 16 lawyers, several physicians, and a number of merchants. Few of the men drink liquor of any kind. The chaplain has organized a Bible class of 30, an evening prayer meeting, &c.

Attached to the Fifth Wisconsin Regiment, as Major, is the Hon. Mr. Larabee, formerly a Democratic member of Congress from that State. If Major Larabee distinguishes himself as much in the army as he did in Congress, we shall have a bright record of his career. He is emphatically a man of ability and one of the representative men of the great North West.

The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, WI

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