Entertainment for Children at Seashore Home

Children's Seaside House boardwalk. Photo: The College of Physicians of Philadelphia.

Last Saturday two hundred and fifty crippled children of the Seashore Home listened with delight to the songs sung by Miss Louise Mack, of the Beaux Arts Cafe. The choruses of “Old Fashioned Girl” and “Three O’clock in the Morning” were favorites selected by the kiddies. Mrs. Rennie Cormack, of New York, played delightfully on the piano, Mira. Cormack also played and sang, as did Mr. F. Collis Wildman. Miss Suzanne Sackett made the arrangements.

August 16, 1861 – Our Fifth Regiment

A Harrisburgh, Penn., paper gives the following description of our Fifth Wisconsin Regiment (in which is our Manitowoc Company,) as it passed through that city:

Fifth Wisconsin Regiment,—This regiment from the far North West, is now in this city, encamped near Camp Curtin. Some things are reported of these men worthy of note. They are chiefly lumbermen, miners and met living upon their own resources. They have been well clothed and furnished by their State, the Legislature having appropriated liberally for such purpose. The following are the regimental officers: