August 15, 1861 – Privateer Dixie’s Prey Retaken

Another recaptured prize arrived at New York on Sunday—the schooner Mary Alice, belonging to New York, from Porto Rico, loaded with sugar. She was captured on the 25th of July by the privateer Dixie, winch put a prize crew on board and ordered her into Charleston or Wilmington; but the U. S. steamer Wabash fell in with her and interfered with the plan. The pirate crew were taken on hoard the Wabash, and the Mary Alice sent to her original destination. The Wabash on the third inst. also gave chase to, and captured the brig Sarah Starr, which was found to have no papers and no hailing port, and consequently could give no proper account of herself. The privateer Dixie is described as a fore-and-aft schooner of about one hundred and eighty tons, painted black. She carries three guns, and a crew of forty men.

Smyrna Times, Smyrna, DE

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