Reformatory Life Has Not Dulled Love for Thrills in Miss Opal Isley

Leg Is Broken in Fall While Trying to Escape From Girls’ School.
REFORMATORY life has not dulled the love for thrills in Opal Isley, 17.
The latest episode In Opal’s exciting young life was a fall from the third floor of the Indiana Girls’ School at Clermont several days ago, while trying to escape, it was learned today. She lies in the Robert W. Long Hospital with a compound fracture of the right leg. A doctor attending her said Miss Isley ran 100 yards before she was forced by pain to drop to the ground.
The girl is under sentence for complicity with the robber band, led by her mother, Mamie Isley, who took several thousand dollars in cash and Liberty bonds from the Alert (Ind.) State Bank In May, 1921. She is pretty. Detectives declare that her mother used her as a tool.