Rain and Hail


A storm came upon this vicinity about 7 o’clock last evening and there were several heavy showers before the clouds passed away. While the storm came from the northwest there was no wind in the city and scattering shower of fine hail fell with the rain without damage here. In the northwest portion of the county, however, there was considerable wind and hail sufficiently heavy to damage the corn fields, but to what extent no definite estimates have been made, some reports being that the corn in the localities where the hail was heaviest is damaged to the extent of five bushels per acre. As usual the hail storm was freakish, being heavy as the storm passed over some fields while others escaped entirely. Some damage by hail in the vicinity of Ramona and east of there is reported. The storm proceeded southeast from Madison, being heavy in the vicinity of Lake Madison. A. Stensland of the First National bank, who returned from Dell Rapids this morning, states that the storm extended to that place with more or less damage by hail in the vicinity of Chester and other points in that vicinity. Trainmen report the storm extending north as far as Oldham while no rain fell on the west line west of Lake county. So far as reports received in the city indicate the heaviest part of the storm, including rain and hail, occurred in Wayne township, the northwest township of this county.

The Madison Daily Leader, Madison, SD, August 13, 1914


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