Purser Office is Looted of $500 in Fares
Sneak Thieves Enter Place as Boat Docks Across Lake
Door is Broken Open
Purser Matson Had Gone Out to Collect Tickets
Thieves broke into the office of Purser M. Matson on the ferryboat Lincoln Monday morning, as the boat was docked at the Kirkland end on the 7:45 run, and escaped with $500.
Purser Matson left his office for a few minutes as the boat docked to collect tickets from incoming passengers. When he returned to his of found the door had been broken open and the safe rifled. The receipts of Sunday’s business, amounting to approximately $500, were missing.
Sheriff Starwich has clues which he believed will lead to the arrest of the thief.
The Seattle Star, Seattle, WA, August 10, 1925