August 10, 1861 – Garibaldi Offers his Services

We have good reason to know, says the New York Post, which is very careful about its statements, that Garibaldi, the soldier of European freedom, is deeply interested in our struggle for liberty, and is anxious to take a part in it to the best of his ability. He has offered his services to the Government, and will accept of any position which will enable him to exert his unrivalled military powers in his peculiar way. The Liberator of Italy, though not a citizen of the United States, was for a long time a resident of it ; as an exile from the despotisms of Europe, he here found an asylum and in gratitude to the society by which he was protected, as well as. from a general devotion to the interests of humanity, he would like to contribute to the cause of the Union. Garibaldi Is well aware that the triumph of the slave-holding aristocracy in this country would be injurious to the cause of civil liberty throughout the world: he knows that the success of the great republic, in all its integrity and purity, is the success of the human race and, as a champion of the right everywhere, he is eager to be employed by our Government. Like Lafayette, Steuben, De Kalb, and so many other Europeans in the times of our Revolution, he casts his sword into our lap and asks the privilege of using it in our behalf.

The National Republican, Washington, DC


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