August 7, 1861 – Arlington Heights

We have been reliably informed that at the above named place, the next great battle will take place in all probability, some time this week.—Should such prove to be the case, and he Almighty causes us to be victorious, and the battle prove as decisive a victory as that of Manassas, we predict a caving in of the enemy.—As it is, the majority of the federal army are becoming heartily disgusted with the cause they espouse. Every day we receive intelligence of dissatisfaction among their ranks—some desert, others, whose terms of enlistment have expired, will not, under any circumstances, re-enlist. With feelings of this description no body of men can fight. It is therefore useless for our enemies to persist in a warfare which only injures them, the longer they are engaged in it. They are beginning to view the present condition of affairs in the same light that we have described, and from this we draw our conclusions.

Shreveport Daily News, Shreveport, LA


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