His Gold Stars Will Be Worn on Thursday

The two gold stars that Charles W. Albro, the third oldest carrier In point of service In the Providence post office, was to receive today, will not ornament his uniform until tomorrow. The stars represent 35 years of continuous faithful service.

Mr. Albro was appointed a carrier under Postmaster Ephan Jackson on Aug 1, 1870. Previous to that he was a clerk in the office. ‘‘In those days,’” said he, “we had no janitor, and It was my duty to open the office In the morning; and, as there were no substitutes, if a carrier was sick I would carry his route as well as do my own work in the office.”

The veteran carrier admits that he has passed the the 59th milestone and is sanguine that he will reach many more.

His first route took him along Broadway and Atwell’s avenue, and later he took Broad street to the city line. For the past 23 years, however, he has traversed the business section on route 15, taking In Pine, Friendship, Stewart and Summer streets.

Being of a quiet disposition and not desiring any ostentatious display, there will be no formalities In connection with his receiving the stars tomorrow other than the congratulations of his fellows and of those on his route.

The News-Democrat, Providence, RI, August 1, 1906


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