An Obituary Note

A recent English paper, in an obituary notice, states, with solemn gravity, that the deceased was notable "for the active part he took in the management of the society for…

Letter from a Member of Hampton’s Legion

Hampton’s Legion.—A friend has sent us a letter written by a member of the Beaufort District Troop, attached to HAMPTON’S Legion, from which we make the following extracts. The letter is dated Headquarters, Camp Fisher, October 5, 1861:

Our Legion is now encamped on the Potomac, about twenty miles from Fairfax C. H., and near the batteries on the river. In a few days we will have effected, I trust, a successful blockade of the river. Several steamers opened fire upon a battery manned by the Artillery of our Legion, a few days since [25 September 1861], which was returned and continued for some hours. One small tug boat was sunk, and two of the steamers injured, when they retired from the contest. We went with the General [Whiting] to the scene of action and witnessed the whole affair.