July 17, 1861 – Military Moving

On the 1st inst., the 1st Regiment of Arkansas Volunteers, Col. Cleburne, passed Des Arc on the steamers Cambridge, Ohio Belle and Mars. These boats conveyed the regiment to its destination, and the Ohio Belle and Mars returned here by order of Col. Cleburne, and Gov. Rector informed that the boats were here and subject to his orders, as the property of the State of Arkansas.

On the 13th Col. T. C. Hindman’s regiment arrived here on the steamers Admiral, Mary Patterson, Conway and Sovereign. Col. Hindman seized the steamers Ohio Belle and Mars in the name of the Southern Confederacy, placed men in charge of them and they were sent to Memphis. The Colonel, as we learned from Capt. A. Baird, first intended sending these boats to Jacksonport, but changed his notion. We shall express no opinion, through our columns, in reference to this novel and strange proceeding, as we have but little doubt that “those in authority” will take proper steps to have the “whole transaction” properly investigated.

Des Arc Semi-Weekly Citizen, Des Arc, AR

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