July 16, 1861 – Battle at Carrack’s Ford

Gen. Garnett, in Command of the Confederates, Killed

CINCINNATI, July 14.—General Garnett, Commander of the Confederate forces, was killed be an Indiana soldier in a regular battle fought yesterday, eight miles from St. George. This is reliable. Particulars of the battle soon.

Confirmation of the Death of Gen. Garnett—His Body Brought to Grafton—Reverses of the Confederate Army

CINCINNATI, July 15 —A train arrived at Grafton at ten o’clock this morning, bringing the body of General Garnett, late Commander of the Confederate forces at Laurel Hill, where it was received with military honors, and many encomiums are expressed on the bravery he exhibited in battle.

General Garnett was killed whilst endeavoring to rally his retreating and panic stricken forces at Carrack’s Ford, near St. George.