Louisville, July 13. -The fight at Rich Mountain, the occurrence of which has been previously reported, comes to us to-day in a different tone.
The latest dispatch regarding the affair states that the Southerners were 600 strong, and had two cannon. Their loss is put down at 75 killed, and about as many wounded. The loss to the Federalists amounted to 11 killed, and wounded to 35.
The above is approved by Gen. McClellan, but his own dispatch to Washington reports 20 killed and 40 wounded.
Apparently, the invaders had made plans for a certain victory, and sent bulletins before the fight, but the courier lost his way.
Gen. McClellan waited all day for signal, which he did not get, and the enterprise resulted in the dislodgment of 800 men by five invading regiments.
New Orleans Daily Crescent, New Orleans, LA