Belgian Winner Of Long Bicycle Race

PARIS. July 29.—for the 29th annual tour de France, world’s longest end most gruelling bicycle road race, today went to Belgium.
Thoughtfully curated historical journalism
PARIS. July 29.—for the 29th annual tour de France, world’s longest end most gruelling bicycle road race, today went to Belgium.
Slayer Fined For Executing Individual With Human Traits
EVANSTON, Ill., July 1.—When a parrot teaches itself to swear it becomes an Individual with human traits instead of just a parrot. This is the decision of Justice of the Peace H. G. Williams.
Rutheda, the parrot of Mrs. Bertha Flugge, “was the purest and most clean-minded thing I ever saw” before it flew away from her, according to Mrs. Flugge.
The Pawnee arrived at the Navy Yard this morning, bringing intelligence from Mathias Point According to a statement of persons in the expedition, Capt. Ward, of the Freeborn, yesterday obtained from the Pawnee a reinforcement of about twenty men, and united with others from his own vessel, comprising between thirty and forty men in all. They started in several cutters for Mathias Point, taking with them about two hundred bags, which were filled with sand on the shore, and with which breastworks were soon erected.
Whilst on returning to the Freeborn to obtain cannon for the battery, a force of the Confederate troops variously estimated at from 1,200 to 1,500, suddenly emerged from thick woods, where they were concealed, and poured a volley of shot into the party, who made a hasty retreat. Several of the men jumped into the water, swimming to the Freeborn. Capt. Ward protected the men as far as possible, firing twelve or fifteen shots among the rebels, but the effect could not be ascertained.