Saved by Swans

From the Pittsburg Dispatch.

Butte, Mont., June 14.—Owing to the fact that the assistant manager of Columbia Gardens, the pleasure resort of this city, has trained the swans in the little artificial lake to bring to the shore articles thrown into the water, little Gertrude Onell owes her life.

June 18, 1861 – Capt. F. T. Bryan

It was understood during the session of the Legislature here last winter, that if the services of this able officer were desired in his native State, to aid in the reorganization of our militia system they could be obtained. Many of his friends were anxious that he should be elected Adjutant General, believing that his eminent qualifications for that post, in the event of secession of the State and war would make his services invaluable. We learn that the proposition was made to him by his friends directly, the terms agreed on, and that he consented to come in a few days however, without his being advised of it, the salary first fixed upon was reduced and Gen. Hoke was elected.

June 17, 1861 – Reconnoitering the Loudon and Hampshire Railroad

One of the Connecticut Light Guard Shot!

Alexandria, June 16. — A reconnaissance of the Loudoun and Hampshire railroad was made to-day, two miles beyond Vienna, which is fifteen miles north of Alexandria. The train was under charge of Col. Powers, accompanied by the first Connecticut troops, under the command of Brigadier General Tyler. On the return of the train, when two miles this side of Vienna, a man fired on the train from ambush, wounding George Busbee, of the Connecticut Light Guards.

Missing Vessel Safe

Schooner Philippine

SAN PEDRO, Oct. 1.—The four-masted schooner Philippine arrived off the breakwater today. It had been feared lost due to the menace by heavy winds striking the southern California coast last night. Of the 11 aboard, only Captain Nels Nelson is said to be an experienced sailor. When the boat left San Francisco it was rumored possible it was the honeymoon ship for Mrs. Aimee McPherson Hutton and her husband, since the former temple attorney and press agent were aboard, but both she and David Hutton denied this. The boat was due yesterday.

June 16, 1861 – Preparing for Escape

The Augusta Constitutionalist of the 30th ultimo has the following significant paragraph:

“Jeff Davis’s War Horse. —  President Davis’s war horse passed through this city last night on its way to Richmond, Virginia. Accompanying the animal was the President’s saddle, on the horn of which is a compass, to be used in case the rider should lose his way.”

No Color Line

Dr. W. D, Crum of Charleston S. C., Assistant Commissioner of the Negro Department of South Carolina, Interstate and West Indian Exposition has secured an authoritative statement from the railroads…