Mohawk Crewman Drowned

James W. McVicar, a fireman on the revenue cutter Mohawk, was drowned last.Sunday afternoon while bathing in Buzzards bay, a short distance from the hotel Breakwater. McVicar who could not swim, got beyond his depth and drowned, despite the attempts of three of his shipmates to save him. The body was recovered in about seven minutes by Matthew Tessier, a shipmate, who plunged in with all his clothes on and brought the unfortunate young man to shore. When first taken from the water it was thought that McVicar showed faint signs of life, but all attempts to revive him failed. Dr. A. L. Pattee was summoned from Falmouth and worked for a long time in an effort to restore life to the body. McVicar was 23 years of age. He enlisted on the Mohawk about six months ago, and had previously served for two years on the revenue cutter Onondaga in the capacity of ship’s writer. Of a bright and cheerful disposition, he was very popular with his shipmates and was well thought of by the officers. McVicar was married, but the fact was not generally known until after his death. His home was in Brooklyn, N. Y., where his father lives at 227 McDougall street. The remains were sent home for burial.

Falmouth Enterprise, Falmouth, MA, June 20, 1908


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