Grant’s Triumphal March in Shanghai—His Carriage Dragged by the Enthusiastic Multitude

Hong Kong, May 21, via San Francisco June 16.—Gen. Grant’s party briefly visited Swatow May 13, Amoy, May 14, and Foo Chow May 15. The demonstrations were unimportant owing to the short stay of the party. Gen. Grant arrived in Shanghai in the United States ship Ashuelot May 17, and was received on landing with unprecedented manifestations of greeting in the presence of a crowd, comprising almost the entire foreign community, and great numbers of Chinese. An address was delivered on behalf of the citizens, which many regard of peculiar significance. Grant said he wished he had known ten years ago what he has latterly learned, and that his experience in this part of the world would be of great interest and possibly of great use in the future.

In the procession to the residence of the United States Consul, where he remains while in Shanghai, the volunteer rifle corps detached the horses from the carriage and themselves drew the vehicle to its destination. Several days were occupied with the reception of foreign consuls and Chinese dignitaries, among whom was the Viceroy of Nankin, who was sent from Pekin to bear the welcome of the central government. Gen. Grant will proceed in the Ashuelot to Chefoo, and probably to Tiensin. The man-of-war Richmond, however, arrived at Hong Kong May 15, and was immediately dispatched for the service of the party if needed. It is now expected the sojourn in and about Pekin will occupy some considerable time, possibly till the beginning of July, although, as heretofore, no definite announcements can be made. After a round of entertainment under the government auspices in the capital and vicinity, Gen. Grant will visit Yokohama, and accept the hospitalities of the United States Consul General and others.

The New Orleans Daily Democrat, New Orleans, LA, June 17, 1879


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