June 15, 1861 – The Capture of the Privateer Savannah

From the  Charleston Mercury, June 11.

Almost everyday now brings us news of importance, yesterday brought us the intelligence of the capture of the privateer Savannah, from this port. The loss of the schooner in times like these, would scarcely call for a moment’s consideration. But the circumstances are such as to render the fact one of grave import – perchance the results may be still graver. With the insane and blood-thirsty spirit ruling the Government of the North, there are probabilities that the crew of the Savannah will be executed. The United States Government have said it – the popular clamor has approved the bloody declaration. Will their bloated vanity and malice give way to the milder voice of national law – of reason and discretion? Will they not go on in their mad pathway of violence and lawlessness? Their course up to this time has been uniform. Will they at this day pay regard to reason, justice or law? If they do not, what then?

Aye! what then?

Let one of these men perish, and we look to the authorities at Richmond for immediate, and bloody retribution. We look to them, and we shall expect them to settle a strict account of blood for blood.

Nashville Union and American, Nashville, TN

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