Naval Reserve Steamer Marion and Schooner Philippine in Collision
No Damage Was Done, but the Tugs Governor Markham and Redmond Had to Separate the Vessels
The Naval Reserve steamer Marion and the schooner Philippine met in collision yesterday morning. The Robert Lewers was also in the mix-up, but luckily no harm was done and none of the vessels lost more than a little paint.
The Philippine and Robert Lewers arrived from Hawaii last Tuesday and anchored oft Folsom-street wharf. The Marion came back from a short cruise outside the heads last Sunday and also anchored off the transport wharf. Unfortunately the Naval Reserve boat was anchored In the fairway and Wednesday Captain James was notified by Chief Wharfinger Henderson to move her. Without waiting for the officer of the day to put In an appearance the boatswain attempted to move the ship himself, and all the resulting trouble followed.
As soon as Lieutenant Peterson boarded the Marion, which he did in a hurry as soon as he saw her drifting, he signaled for assistance. The State tug Governor Markham went out and later the tug Redmond ranged up alongside. Between them they got the Naval Reserve steamer away from the schooners and anchored her in a safe place. It was a close call, but luckily no damage was done.
The San Francisco Call, San Francisco, CA, June 14, 1900