Big Circus Shows Today

Parade a Feature of Barnum & Bailey Exhibition

The circus parade is evidently here to stay. A few years ago a couple of the big shows thought they could draw the crowds to their tents without sending their glittering wagons, animals, clowns and steam calliope through the streets, but apparently they found that the plan was not a success. They are all back with the morning procession again, much to the joy of the small boy and his parents. too.

When the big Barnum Bailey parade swung down Jefferson ave. Monday morning and wended its way through the down-town streets, it looked as though the whole city was out on the curbs. The crowd was not disappointed, either, for there was much to see. There were beautiful horses, ponderous elephants—lots of them—camels, wagons of all descriptions. caged wild animals and the indispensable clowns, of course; also a number of bands.

The circus gives two performances here, one In the afternoon and another in the evening.

The Detroit Times, Detroit, MI, June 12, 1911


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