Carter Undaunted by Pharaoh Ghost

Howard Carter, standing holding a book.

LONDON, October 3.—Howard Carter, the American Egyptologist, left for Luxor and the Valley of the Kings today to resume his excavations at the tomb of Tutankhamen. The scientist said he had not the slightest belief that any occult influence was responsible for the death of Earl Carnarvon, who succumbed to fever after discovering the tomb, and that he had no fears for himself in that direction.

“It is rather too much to ask me to believe that some spook is keeping watch and ward over the dead Pharaoh, ready to wreak vengeance on any one who goes too near,” Carter said.

Fair of the Royal Hawaiian Agricultural Society

We are requested to call attention to the following regulation of the Board of Managers, in regard to the Fair to be had on the 14th inst. The Society will meet on Tuesday; the annual address will be delivered on the evening of that day, at the Supreme Court Room, at half past seven o’clock; the Fair will be held on Wednesday, the 14th, opening at 12 o’clock noon, in the Court room.

June 10, 1861 – The Encampment of the Second Regiment

But little of importance transpired at “Camp Underwood” yesterday, the day being spent entirely in the routine of army duties. The dress parade at 6 30 P. M. was very well executed, considering the slight experience some of the companies have had in the manual of arms, and the entire absence of uniforms and muskets.

Captain Henry Whiting has received his commission as Colonel, and will take command of the Regiment to-morrow.