Ruction on Train

Last Friday afternoon, there was considerable excitement on the train which left here at 2 o’clock for Milwaukee. Conductor White in collecting fares approached a man somewhat under the influence of liquor and asked him for his ticket, He informed the conductor that a woman in the front end of the car had his ticket. He went to her and she informed Mr. White that she did not have his ticket and he went back and told the man to pay his fare or he would be put off the train. He again said that she had his ticket and the conductor told him to go and get it, and that there must be no more foolishness. The man then went to the woman and they were soon engaged in a wordy combat and soon he struck the woman a vicious blow on the head, and struck her several times before parties could interfere. Among them was a chivalrous young attorney of this city —a Knight-Errant, who grappled with the rough and was soon wipping up the aisle with him. Upon reaching Oconomowoc an officer was summoned and “Jimmy the Baker” of Watertown after considerable trouble was handcuffed with his hands behind his back and marched away to the city lockup to get sober and pay a fine subsequently for brutality and disgraceful conduct.

Watertown Republican, Watertown, WI, January 17, 1906


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