June 9, 1861 – The First Charleston Prize

Confederate privateer Savannah
The Confederate States privateer Savannah, letter of marque No. 1, captured off Charleston, by the U. S. brig Perry, Lieut. Parrott.”

We learn on direct and reliable authority that a valuable prize has been secured by the Privateer Savannah, which left this port a few days ago between the bars of the Lincoln blockade.

This prize was the brig Joseph, of Portland, (Me.) from Havana, for Philadelphia, with a cargo of sugar, valued at $30,000, and was taken into Georgetown, South Carolina, in masterly style.

Soon after this achievement the Privateer engaged the attention of a Lincolnite cruiser at a distance and a chase began. At our last information there was good reason to believe that the Privateer, having the advantages of approaching night, thorough acquaintance with the coast and soundings, a light draft and a good pair of heels, was getting decidedly the better of the chase.

We hope soon to be able to congratulate the gallant Captain and crew, and to report a sweetening for the market. – Charleston Courier, June, 6.

Nashville Union and American, Nashville, TN


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